Progression Study Path Seminar with University of Wolverhampton
[Monday 16th of July 2018]
Crème Academy has an honour to host a counselling session with a representative from University of Wolverhampton, Mr. Leo NC Sek, International Regional Manager – South East Asia, to give a short introduction to University of Wolverhampton and overviews on the partnership program between Crème Academy and University of Wolverhampton.
As a leading creative media technology institute in Thailand, Crème Academy diploma programs are now recognise as a progression studies pathway leading to a top up program for bachelor degree at University of Wolverhampton, UK.
This progression studies path is available to all the current students and alumni of Crème Academy diploma course, with an opportunity for an internship in UK as well.
As for people who interested in doing a progression studies courses with us, our September intakes are now open for enrolment.
Major in
– Audio Production
– Digital Film Making
– Music Technology
Study Path:
1yr in Bangkok & 2 yrs in UK + 1yr job placement
We look forward to welcoming you this semester at Creme Academy Thailand
For more information, please contact www.creme.ac.th or +66 2 658 6560